People follow incentives; and it turns out the majority of people don't want to think for themselves.

"Why do men fight for their servitude as stubbornly as though it were their salvation?”

― Gilles Deleuze

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The left is defined by having two legs in the enlightenment. The right is defined by having one leg in, one leg out.

In your revealed lifestyle, if you believe there is more than “Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity” as a set of grand values or even that one of those values is kind-of stupid, you will find yourself edging ever rightward.

Socialism and Communism and Baby’s-First Anarchism and Fat-Faggy-Fuck Fascism (Anti-Fascism) are just trying to achieve those values that have been made impossible by the current elite methodology, I.E. Latter-Day Capitalismus Gibber-Jockey, Mumbo-Jumbo trite.

The most common way this settles is that you have an oppressor-oppressed narrative fighting against a civilizational-barbarism narrative.

Oppressors stop you from being free, they are stronger than you, and they are not your friend; They are the anti-Liberal. Whereas the civilizational view understands that barbarism stops us from being us. They will rid us of what values we love.

But all that is just my drunken thoughts.

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This is brilliant. @martianwyrdlord wrote a piece with a similar thrust a while back that I remember reading. Perfect for the LARPetarian friends I still have who think that "oh it's just PoLiTiCs".

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